Peltomaa, A. (2019) Hospital at home – palliative care / hospice care; cost-effective or not?
14.12.2019Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Anna Peltomaa 1* 1 Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2019) Language of article: English Citation: Peltomaa, A. (2019) Hospital at home – palliative care / hospice care; cost-effective or not?, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e32-e34.

Boers, R. (2019) Dutch health care privatization
14.12.2019Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Rein David Boers 1* 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2019) Language of article: English Citation: Boers, R. (2019) Dutch health care privatization, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e28-e31.

Koskinen, T. (2019) Maksuton päivähoito – lapsiperheiden pelastus, syntyvyyden nostattaja vai kuntien tappio?
10.12.2019Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Tiia Koskinen 1* 1 Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2019) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Koskinen, T. (2019) Maksuton päivähoito – lapsiperheiden pelastus, syntyvyyden nostattaja vai kuntien tappio?, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e24-e27.

Varonen, K. (2019) Low back pain: Can we afford not to be person-centred?
7.12.2019Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Kirsi Varonen 1* 1 Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2019) Language of article: English Citation: Varonen, K. (2019) Low back pain: Can we afford not to be person-centred?, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e20-e23.

Koljander, V. (2019) The burden of Alzheimer disease in Finland: Evidences from medical and financial burden of Alzhaimer in elderly population
23.11.2019Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Vilma Koljander 1* 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2019) Language of article: English Citation: Koljander, V. (2019) The burden of Alzheimer disease in Finland: Evidences from medical and financial burden of Alzhaimer in elderly population, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e16-e19.

Hokkanen, P., Löf, M. (2019) The multiplicity of work communities in social and healthcare services: Evidence from diversity attitude in public and private sectors
17.11.2019Download PDF Original Research Author(s): Piia Hokkanen 1, Mari Löf 1* 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2019) Language of article: English Citation: Hokkanen, P., Löf, M. (2019) The multiplicity of work communities in social and healthcare services: Evidence from diversity attitude in public and private sectors, JAMK Journal of Health and […]

Ahonen, R., Tunturi, M. (2019) Diabetes Suomessa nyt ja tulevaisuudessa: Todisteet diabeteksen vuoksi menetetyistä terveistä elinvuosista
16.11.2019Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Reija Ahonen 1, Minna Tunturi 1* 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2019) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Ahonen, R., Tunturi, M. (2019) Diabetes Suomessa nyt ja tulevaisuudessa: Todisteet diabeteksen vuoksi menetetyistä terveistä elinvuosista, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e4-e7.

Pellilä, L. (2019) Muistisairauksien hoito vs. ennaltaehkäisy
16.11.2019Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Lotta Pellilä 1,2* 1 The Alzheimer Society of Finland, Suomenselän Muisti ry, Finland 2 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2019) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Pellilä, L. (2019) Muistisairauksien hoito vs. ennaltaehkäisy, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e1-e3.

National Library of Finland indexed JAMK-JHSS
9.9.2019Good news again! The National Library of Finland offically indexed JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies. Thank you all for collaborating with us and give us motivation to continue our journey. You can find more information about at: The National Library of Finland website

New Indexes!
9.4.2019Good news! Congratulations! JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies get new international indexes from Berlin Social Science Center, WZB Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek provided by Hochschule Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) UNIVERSITÄTS BIBILIOTHEK LEIPZIG (UBL) Leibniz Information Center for Science and […]