Guide for authors


The JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies (JAMK-JHSS) is an international semi-annual online journal which provides a forum for publication of researches and scholarly papers in the forms of original researches, research-based and systematic reviews, critical commentaries and discussion papers which are of interest to international researchers in the field of health care and social studies about health care delivery, care management, organization, labor force, policy, decision making along with research methods relevant to nurses, social workers and other related professionals. The JAMK-JHSS exceptionally welcomes high-quality systematic reviews that direct to analyze and improve the quality of health care and social services provided by health care providers, such as nurses and social workers, with employing the most appropriate analytic techniques, measures, designs and research methods used for the research question of interest.

Types of paper

The JAMK-JHSS publishes original researches, research-based reviews, discussion papers, research plans and proposals, editorial letters and letters to the editor.

Reporting guidelines

The journal supports the Equator Network ( which is an international resourcefulness seeking to enhance the reliability and the value of health-related studies by providing logical and accurate reporting of research literatures. The JAMK-JHSS requests authors to apply appropriate reporting guidelines, while preparing their research articles, to follow excellence in scientific reporting. Please use the following guidelines to structure your article:

CONSORT (for reporting of randomized controlled trials)

TREND (for transparent reporting of evaluations with non-randomized designs)

STROBE (for reporting of observational cohort, case control and cross-sectional studies)

PRISMA (for reporting of systematic reviews)

MOOSE (for reporting of meta-analyses of observational studies)

COREQ (for reporting of qualitative studies)

CHEERS (for reporting of health economic evaluations)

SQUIRE (for reporting of Quality improvement studies)

AGREE (for reporting of Clinical practice guidelines)

Ethical approval issues 

All manuscripts submitted to JAMK-JHSS must be conducted strongly to ethical standards in research and must consider to the local regulations and standards for finding scrutiny and approval. The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans; EC Directive 86/609/EEC must be carried out for the research tasks mentioned in your manuscript.

Conflict of interest 

The JAMK-JHSS asks authors to generate any actual or potential disclosure conflict of interest statement for their manuscripts by filling ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest available at:

Submission verification and declaration

By submitting an article to JAMK-JKSS, author implies that:

  • the article has not been published previously, except in the form of academic thesisworking paper or as part of a published lecture.
  • the article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • the article submission is approved by all authors participated in the manuscript as co-author(s).
  • the author confirms that if the manuscript accepted for publishing in JAMK-JHSS, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form in English or in other languages without the written consent of the copyright-holder.

Contributions and acknowledgements

All authors of submitted paper should substantially contributed to the conception and design of the research article, data collecting and analysis, drafting and revising the manuscript as well as final approval of the submitted version. If the paper is accepted, the editorial office will ask about the role of every author with reference to the criteria for authorship. The corresponding author must make a clear statement that all authors have approved the final version of manuscript and confirms that all those entitled to authorship are listed as co-authors.

Copyright and author rights 

The authors of an accepted article will be asked to give the rights related to the publication and distribution of their paper to JAMK-JHSS. As JAMK-JHSS publishes online open access papers under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs  (CC BY-NC-ND) license (, the journal permits 3rd party to reuse the published manuscripts only for non-commercial purposes.

Funding source

If author(s) received external funding for the conduct and preparation of research paper, the corresponding author should identify who provided financial support and describe the potential role of sponsor(s) in preparing manuscript e.g. data collection, research design etc.

Open access 

All kinds of papers appearing in JAMK-JHSS will be published open access and this means every peer-reviewed paper is freely and universally accessible via the internet in a readable format, immediately after publishing. JAMK-JHSS publication process is free of charge and the journal publish under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs  (CC BY-NC-ND) license for non-commercial purposes of publication.

Language of publication

Please provide your documents and texts in good Finnish or English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of both).


We are building an electronic submission system for JAMK-JHSS which would be ready to use on the beginning of 2019. For submitting all kinds of documents included original research, letter to editor etc. please send them to JAMK-JHSS editorial office by emailing to: or

Only Microsoft Word Office is accepted to typeset your papers for final publication. All correspondences such as notifications and the editor’s decisions will send to the corresponded author by e-mail.

On 2019, submission to JAMK-JHSS proceeds totally online and there would be guided step-wise through the creation and uploading of the various files.

Peer review 

JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies applies double-blind peer review process and the manuscript will be reviewed within 3 months, typically. Based on reviewers’ comments and recommendations, the Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding to acceptance, rejection or even request author(s) for revision within 2 weeks after the reviewer’s comments are available. The author(s) will be informed about the editorial decision together with reviewers’ comments and recommendations.




All submissions must prepare the following documents:

  • Cover letter: is a short letter to the editorial office in which you wish the editors to consider.
  • Blinded manuscript without author details: is the anonymous draft of your manuscript included all needed parts of paper e.g. references, figures, tables etc. Please ensure that there is not any information about authors’ name and affiliation. Please add page number to your manuscript for ease of reference during the peer reviewing process.
  • Title page with author details: is the page included the title of paper, authors’ names and affiliations, postal address, phone number and e-mail address of corresponding author.

Article structure 


Abstract should be concise and factual included less than 400 words. Depending on the type of article, it can be structured in original researches (e.g. included Background; Objectives; Data; Method; Results; and Conclusions) or unstructured in review papers.


Keywords should be prepared to accurately identify the manuscript’s subject, purpose, focused research area, methodology from three to six keywords in alphabetical order.

Subdivision – numbered sections

All sections and subsections of your paper should be numbered (e.g. 1, 1.1, 1.2 1.1.1, 1.1.2… 1.2, etc.) except abstract.


Explain the objectives and aims of your paper and adequate background, research question and the strategy of your paper.


State the observations used in the manuscript, how, where and when they were collected and the ethical issues which considered while observing. 


Provide enough explanation of methodology used and indicate the reference(s).


Results should be concise and understandable.

Conclusions and Discussion

The main results and conclusion of the paper should be presented briefly may be included significance of the results, research limitations, recommendation and suggestion for future researches.


List of those individuals who helped during the research may be added here with a short explanation.

Formatting of funding sources

List of funding resource maybe added before references.


Appendixes should be numbered (if there is more than one appendix), e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2. etc.

Tables and figures  

All tables and figures should be clearly labelled, and they should be placed next to relevant text in the article. Tables must be submitted as editable text in Microsoft Word Office not as images. Please use only horizontal rules and shading in table cells. Figures should be submitted in high quality and resolution. Accepted format for images are JPG and PNG.

Reference Style

The journal follows the JAMK project reporting instruction available at:

In Text: write the author(s) name and year of publication in the text. If you wish you can add the page number of the resource after the year (but not necessarily) e.g. As Bloom et al. (2018, 3) stated, there …

In references list:

Reference to a journal publication:

Bernaards, C. M., Ariens, G. A. M., Simons, M., Knol, D. L., & Hildebrandt, V. H. 2008. Improving work style behavior in computer workers with neck and upper limb symptoms. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 1, 87–101.

Reference to a book:

Haasio, A. 2009. Johdon assistentin tiedonhankinnan opas [The executive assistant’s guide to information retrieval]. Helsinki: WSOYpro.

Reference to an online publication:

Horsmanheimo, P. 2009. Tilintarkastajajärjestelmän kokonaisuudistus [Complete overhaul of the account auditor system]. Finland Chamber of Commerce 17 February 2009 statement to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. Accessed on 4 January 2014. Retrieved from


After Acceptance

Online proof correction 

Corresponding author will receive an e-mail from the editorial office and will be asked to submit the final version of paper by a deadline. At this time authors have a chance to make the needed changes and send the final draft of manuscript to editorial office ONLY IN MS WORD FORMAT. The editorial office prepares the final version of the paper with JAMK-JHSS special template for publication and will ask the authors to proofread the final version by e-mail.

Authors have the right to use this proof only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness and correctness of the text, tables and figures. The authors should prepare and send a list of all corrections needed to the editorial office by ONLY ONE e-mail. Please check the final version carefully before confirming the final version because after publishing the article, there is no chance for changes and corrections.

While publishing the manuscript, the corresponding author will receive a link to the published version of the open access article on JAMK-JHSS web-page by e-mail.