New international indexes for JAMK-JHSS
19.4.2021We are pleased to inform you that our journal JAMK-JHSS find the magnificent indexes from Carolina University, Ghent University, MIT and Vanderbilt University. This is an excellent achievement for us and we continue our journey stronger than before. Please find the links of new indexes below. More information about JAMK-JHSS international indexes can be found […]

Ilván, M. (2021) Iäkkäiden kaatumisen ehkäisy: Lisää laadukkaita elinvuosia elämään
17.4.2021Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Merja Ilván 1* 1 Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2021) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Ilván, M. (2021) Iäkkäiden kaatumisen ehkäisy: Lisää laadukkaita elinvuosia elämään, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e22-e28.

Sarantila, A. (2021) Ylipainon vaikutukset Suomalaisille
7.3.2021Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Anni Sarantila 1* 1 Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2021) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Sarantila, A. (2021) Ylipainon vaikutukset Suomalaisille, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e16-e21.

Laine, N. (2021) The health burden of smoking in Finland: Evidence from disability adjusted life years (DALYs)
3.2.2021Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Nina Laine 1* 1 Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2021) Language of article: English Citation: Laine, N. (2021) The health burden of smoking in Finland: Evidence from disability adjusted life years (DALYs), JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e11-e15.

New International Indexes
30.1.2021Hello all, Congratulations to JAMK-JHSS staffs and JAMK University of Applied Sciences, School of Health and Social Studies! Our journal get new international indexes. You may find the links of new indexes below. Stanford University, California, US Vanderbilt University, Nashville, US University of Saskatchewan, Canada Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium JuLib eXtended, Germany Fatcat.wiki We hope […]

Larsen, J., Eriksson, H., Hägg Martinell, A. (2021) A scoping review of Delphi studies concerning social participation of refugees in health services
24.1.2021Download PDF Original Research Author(s): Joacim Larsen 1, Henrik Eriksson 1,2, Ann Hägg Martinell 1,3* 1 Department of Health Sciences, the Swedish Red Cross University College, Sweden 2 Department of Health Sciences, University West, Sweden 3 Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2021) Language of article: English Citation: Larsen, […]

More international indexes this year!
7.12.2020Hello all, JAMK-JHSS editorial board is pleased to inform you that our journal finds four new international indexes this year. The links of new indexes can be found at: LIBRIS by National Library of Sweden. SaludMadrid is the body responsible for the system of public health services in the Community of Madrid. InfoMED Professionals […]

Our journal is now indexed by DOAJ.
24.10.2020We have good news for you. Our journal is now indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Our journal was two years under DOAJ evaluation and now we are in their list. Soon, all of our published articles will be accessed in DOAJ website. We are happy to find such a valid index and […]

Buchegger, S. (2020) Analyzing the economic burden of COVID-19 patient hospitalization and testing: A comparison between the Netherlands and Germany
12.10.2020Download PDF Original Research Author(s): Stephanie Buchegger 1,2* 1 Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria 2 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2020) Language of article: English Citation: Buchegger, S. (2020) Analyzing the economic burden of COVID-19 patient hospitalization and testing: A comparison between the Netherlands and Germany, JAMK Journal of Health and Social […]

Soini, E. (2020) Johdatus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon taloushallintoon
18.8.2020Download PDF Short Communication Author(s): Elina Soini 1* 1 Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2020) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Soini, E. (2020) Johdatus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon taloushallintoon, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e61-e66.