Library Citation
21.1.2019Good News! JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies (JAMK-JHSS) is now indexed by Academia.edu Academic Resource Index Researchbib Directory of Research Journals Indexing Internet Archive Google Scholar Zenodo Thank you all who have collaborated with us in 2018 publication. JAMK-JHSS Editorial Office

Pekkola, M., Garbrah, W. (2018) Social support experiences of breast cancer patients
12.12.2018Download PDF Research Review Author(s): Maarit Pekkola 1*, William Garbrah 1 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2018) Language of article: English Citation: Pekkola, M., Garbrah, W. (2018) Social Support Experiences of Breast Cancer Patients, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e72-e79. Abstract Breast cancer is the most common cancer in […]

Pokela, S., Punna, M., Tuomi, S. (2018) KP LAPE –muutosohjelma, Keski-Pohjanmaan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelukuntayhtymä Soite
4.12.2018Download PDF Original Research The programme to address child and family services in Central Ostrobothnia (KP LAPE), Central Ostrobothnia Social and Health Services (Soite) Author(s): Suvi Pokela 1*, Mari Punna 1, Sirpa Tuomi 1 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2018) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Pokela, S., Punna, M., Tuomi, S. […]

Jääskeläinen, S., Tuomi, S. (2018) Kansallisen rokotusohjelman toteuttamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät
4.12.2018Download PDF Original Research Factors influencing the implementation of the national vaccination program Author(s): Susanna Jääskeläinen 1*, Sirpa Tuomi 1 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2018) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Jääskeläinen, S., Tuomi, S. (2018) Kansallisen rokotusohjelman toteuttamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e38-e54. Abstract Vaccinations […]

Vainiomäki, V., Heikkilä, M. (2018) Yhteisöllisyys kantaa seniorityössä
1.12.2018Download PDF Short Communication Community carries elderly work Author(s): Vesa Vainiomäki 1*, Maarit Heikkilä 1 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2018) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Vainiomäki, V., Heikkilä, M. (2018) Yhteisöllisyys kantaa seniorityössä, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e36-37. Opettajan näkökulma: Yhteisöllisyys seniorityössä, mitä se parhaimmillaan tarkoittaa? Tämän […]

Ikola-Mäki, J., Pasonen, H., Tuomi, S. (2018) Lapsen oikeuksien toteutuminen terveyttä edistävässä sairaalassa
29.11.2018Download PDF Original Research The respect of children´s rights in a health promoting hospital Author(s): Jenni Ikola-Mäki 1*, Heidi Pasonen 1, Sirpa Tuomi 1 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2018) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Ikola-Mäki, J., Pasonen, H., Tuomi, S. (2018) Lapsen oikeuksien toteutuminen terveyttä edistävässä sairaalassa, JAMK Journal […]

Ekmark, R., Puttonen, A. (2018) Kokemusasiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä ja kehittämisehdotuksia mielenterveyspalveluista Keski-Suomessa
26.11.2018Download PDF Short Communication Proposals from experts by experience for the development of mental health services in Central Finland Author(s): Rej Ekmark 1, Anne Puttonen 1* 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2018) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Ekmark, R., Puttonen, A. (2018) Kokemusasiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä ja kehittämisehdotuksia mielenterveyspalveluista Keski-Suomessa, JAMK Journal […]

Vuorenmäki, M. (2018). Savuton odotus ja vanhemmuus -hoitoketju Etelä-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella
26.11.2018Download PDF Original Research Smokeless Expectancy and Parental Care Chain in the South Ostrobothnia hospital district Author(s): Mari Vuorenmäki 1* 1 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Published by: JAMK-JHSS (2018) Language of article: Finnish Citation: Vuorenmäki, M. (2018) Savuton odotus ja vanhemmuus -hoitoketju Etelä-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella, JAMK Journal of Health and Social Studies, e1-e13. Abstract […]

5.11.2018The JAMK-JHSS prepare the possibility of writing blog post in the journal web-page. Editorial members, reviewers and authors are able to share their comments as a blog post in our website. If you wish to make a blog post, please send a proposal of your blog to arshia.amiri@jamk.fi Thanks, JAMK-JHSS editorial office

Invitation for Publishing with JAMK-JHSS
26.10.2018Hello, The editorial board of JAMK-JHSS would like to ask you all to submit your papers for publishing in the first volume of the journal by the deadline of 20.11.2018. As the first volume would be published online by 12.12.2018, we are in such a hurry to prepare manuscripts. Thank you, JAMK-JHSS Editorial Office