
Instructions for authors

Manuscripts can be submitted in English or in Finnish. Editors-in-Chief may desk-reject a submission if it fails to meet the journal’s aims and scope or quality expectations.

Research papers follow a double-blind reviewing procedure, and every paper is reviewed anonymously by two independent reviewers. The review process should not take more than four weeks (there may be delays during holiday periods), and the editorial decision following the double-blind review will be communicated to the corresponding authors in due time.

Practice-based papers are reviewed by the editorial team. The authors get feedback of their submission. The review process continues for accepted submissions until the reviewers are fully satisfied with manuscript corrections.

Fully accepted papers will be published immediately online.

Editorial Procedure
Editorial Procedure for Practice-based papers
Editorial Procedure for Research papers
Manuscript Submission

Instructions for reviewers

Reviewers are suggested to get familiar with Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers offered by COPE 

Review of research papers

Review of practice-based papers