Evolving Pedagogy

Evolving Pedagogy is an electronic journal serving both international and national audiences. Thematic scope of the journal is wide, aiming to foster emerging, innovative pedagogical initiatives that enhance learning.

Promoting Cultural Sensitivity in Higher Education: An Educational Approach to Sensitizing Young Travellers for Local Cultures 

Pedagogy in Practice

Authors: Lénia Marques  and Mariana Oliveira  Abstract  Tourists and hosts are increasingly sharing spaces and infrastructures, and the quality of their interactions could be strengthened within formal and non-formal educational contexts. Following a body of research and practices deriving from intercultural communication, cultural tourism, sociology of tourism,  and behavioural sciences, the project CultSense – Sensitizing […]


Opettajankouluttajien verkkovuorovaikutusta kehittämässä

Pedagogy in Practice

Kirjoittajat: Riikka Michelsson, Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen, Eila Burns, Ilona Laakkonen, Susanna Kanninen ja Piia Näykki|  Verkko-opetus ja vuorovaikutus Verkko-opetus ja -vuorovaikutus ovat kaikkien opettajien ja opettajankouluttajien työn arkea. Viimeistään koronapandemia haastoi kaikki oppilaitokset ja niiden opettajat tarttumaan verkko-opetuksen haasteisiin. Tuo ajanjakso toi esille useita näkökulmia verkkoympäristössä työskentelystä. Selvityksissä huomattiin, miten monin eri tavoin verkossa toimiminen kuormitti […]


Coordinator Training Program: developing new qualifications in youth guidance

coordinator programme international project Pedagogy in Practice

Authors: Pasi Savonmäki, Päivi Kauppila, Riikka Michelsson and Seija Koskela Abstract Within the framework of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) and its policy action process School to Work (S2W), the project partners from Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, and Sweden decided to define a new program for the profession as a coordinator and […]


Pedagogical values in transition when teaching in digital environments: discoveries from participants’ analysis of an online course 

Research section

Authors: Leena Rasa,*, Eila Burns , Mirko Prosen, Debra Clendinneng, Maria Cassar , Colla J MacDonald & Sabina Ličen Abstract This article presents the findings of an evaluation of a mixed-method study carried out amongst higher education institution (HEI) educators’ participating in an Erasmus+ funded project entitled Digital Education and Timely Solutions (DIG-IT).  The 25 […]


The changing role of teacher educators in India

Pedagogy in Practice

Authors: Anu Verma and Eila Burns|  Abstract In the present times, digitalization is deeply penetrating our lives from all directions. Digital world transforms our traditional lives into smart lives paving ways to innovative and intelligent learning. In the era of digital education, the ongoing technical advancements, and the skills needed for the 21st century learners […]