Research section
Evolving Pedagogy journal supports practice-based and/or applied research publications. All research paper manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Editorial Procedure for Research Articles
Ammatillisen koulutuksen opinto-ohjaajien työidentiteettien uudet narratiivit
Kirjoittajat: Raudasoja Anu, Kukkonen Harri, Koskela Seija, Jussila Ari ja Rantanen Johanna Abstrakti Ammatillisen koulutuksen opinto-ohjaajan työhön on kohdistunut viime...
Nepalese university teachers’ perspectives on integrating 21st century skills in their teaching – Barriers and Needs
Authors: Eila Burns¹ & Kirsi Korkealehto²| Abstract The development of higher education teachers’ competences known as 21st century skills...
Meaningful vocational training in Finland supporting each student’s individual path to working
Authors: Jari Karttunen and Hannu Seppänen| Introduction The reform of vocational upper secondary education in Finland started in 2017 by...
Success factors and barriers in international education change in higher education: case Global VET course
Authors: Meril Ümarik¹ Meidi Sirk¹, Eila Burns² and Piia Kolho² | Abstract This paper focuses on exploring the transformative educational...
Smartphone as a Learning Tool – An Activity Theory Approach for Learning Marketing Concepts
Authors: Outi Niininen and J. Graham Spickett-Jones | For many people, the smartphone has become ubiquitous- the smartphone has evolved...