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Mobiiliohjaus työssäoppimisessa


Kirjoittajat:  Alanko Markus, Hautasuo Maria, Määttä Hanna, Niininen Saija ja Tuomi Ari Työssäoppimisen yhä lisääntyessä ammatillisessa koulutuksessa halusimme perehtyä mobiiliohjauksen keinoihin opettajankoulutukseemme liittyvässä pedagogisessa kehittämistyössä. Keskityimme erityisesti työelämän jaksojen seurantaan ja yhteydenpitoon. Mobiiliohjaukseen liittyviä teemoja tarkastelimme yhdessä ja yksittäin. Hanna Määttä tarkasteli mobiiliohjauksen pedagogisia malleja ja WhatsApp-sovelluksen yksityiskohtia. Markus Alanko keskittyi mobiiliohjauksen hyötyihin ja haittoihin […]


Opettaja – vuorovaikuta verkko-opetuksessa


Kari Hytönen, Hanna-Leena Niemelä, Kati Pöllänen & Sonja Salonen Viime aikainen digitalisaation kehitys on tuonut oppimis- ja opetusympäristöjen ja – menetelmien muutoksen sekä verkkoja monimuoto-opetuksen osaksi opettajan arkipäivää. Parhaimmillaan verkko ja teknologia mahdollistavat opetuksen pedagogisen ja vuorovaikutuksellisuuden kehittymisen. Lähtökohtana on tällöin välineen sijaan juuri pedagoginen mielekkyys ja – tavoitteellisuus,  vuorovaikutteisuus ja vahvempi opiskelijalähtöisyys. Opettajalle tämä […]


Perfectmatch.com: how to evaluate and choose a good tool?


Dream Team (a learning circle in International teacher education 2013-12014 in Teacher Education College in Jyväskylä) is an international group of students studying to achieve the qualification of a vocational teacher. Arja Kunnela International Group 13 – 14 Teacher Education College JAMK University of Applied Sciences We selected the topic of our Pedagogical Development Project […]


Quality in modern learning environments: concepts and definitions


Dream Team (a learning circle in International teacher education 2013-12014 in Teacher Education College in Jyväskylä) is an international group of students studying to achieve the qualification of a vocational teacher. Arja Kunnela International Group 13 – 14 Teacher Education College JAMK University of Applied Sciences The laws that regulate the education system have also […]


Previous quality projects around e-learning


Dream Team (a learning circle in International teacher education 2013-12014 in Teacher Education College in Jyväskylä) is an international group of students studying to achieve the qualification of a vocational teacher. Arja Kunnela International Group 13 – 14 Teacher Education College JAMK University of Applied Sciences 1. VOPLA project (Verkko-opetuksen laadunhallinta ja laatupalvelu vopla.fi) E-learning […]


How to locate the high-quality digital learning materials after Shank’s advice


Dream Team (a learning circle in International teacher education 2013-12014 in Teacher Education College in Jyväskylä) is an international group of students studying to achieve the qualification of a vocational teacher. Arja Kunnela International Group 13 – 14 Teacher Education College JAMK University of Applied Sciences The most significant barrier to wider adoption of OER […]


Choosing web-based e-learning tools and materials for facilitating learning


 – Article based on John D. Shank´s book “interactive open educational resources” Dream Team (a learning circle in International teacher education 2013-12014 in Teacher Education College in Jyväskylä) is an international group of students studying to achieve the qualification of a vocational teacher. Pirjo Niskanen International Group 13 – 14 Teacher Education College JAMK University […]


Criteria in e-learning


Dream Team (a learning circle in International teacher education 2013-12014 in Teacher Education College in Jyväskylä) is an international group of students studying to achieve the qualification of a vocational teacher. Riikka Holopainen International Group 13 – 14 Teacher Education College JAMK University of Applied Sciences In these breaking times, when our students are born […]


Total Quality Management in Education


Dream Team (a learning circle in International teacher education 2013-12014 in Teacher Education College in Jyväskylä) is an international group of students studying to achieve the qualification of a vocational teacher. Dongbin Yang International Group 13 – 14 Teacher Education College JAMK University of Applied Sciences Total quality management (TQM) is introduced into our study. […]


Creative virtual tools in the Finnish Air Force education of the F-18 Hornet technical personnel


Dream Team (a learning circle in International teacher education 2013-12014 in Teacher Education College in Jyväskylä) is an international group of students studying to achieve the qualification of a vocational teacher. Ari Ikkala International Group 13 – 14 Teacher Education College JAMK University of Applied Sciences The Finnish Air Force motto, ”Qualitas Potentia Nostra – […]