Focus of the journal

Nordic Journal of Rehabilitation (NJoR) is an online journal publishing articles concerning multidisciplinary rehabilitation to respond to the needs for renewing rehabilitation knowhow. This publication strengthens the knowledge base for rehabilitation and promote access to research-based information in Finland and internationally, especially in Nordic countries. In Finland rehabilitation research is carried out in higher education institutes, research institutes, companies and associations as well as in networks combining actors from the various backgrounds.

The aim of NJoR is to increase the coverage and accessibility of research and development results in the rehabilitation field. In the perspective of developing education and research within rehabilitation it is important to collaborate between actors, monitor the development of rehabilitation competencies and direct research towards international collaboration. The purpose of the journal is to promote the effectiveness of rehabilitation and support networking. The journal aims to offer easy access to a reliable source of information on current research and development results.  In NJoR articles can be published either in Finnish, English or Swedish language.

The editorial board encourage researhers, professionals and students to submit original articles, literature reviews, articles about development projects and their results, and expert articles on current rehabilitation themes. NJoR also provides a possibility to publish commentary addresses and research protocols. We welcome articles concerning perspectives on current and future multiprofessional rehabilitation, education, various client groups and research and development methods. Furthermore, there is a high interest on articles about good practices and rehabilitation methods that can be applied to Nordic context and service systems.

NJoR is published by network including editor in chief and editorial board consisting of representatives of six Finnish universities of applied sciences together with other experts who are invited to review submitted manuscripts. The journal utilizes peer review process, which is described in detail in journal’s webpages.