Meaningful vocational training in Finland supporting each student’s individual path to working
23.8.2021Authors: Jari Karttunen and Hannu Seppänen| Introduction The reform of vocational upper secondary education in Finland started in 2017 by submitting a new act on vocational education and training (VET). At the beginning of the year 2018, the full reform of VET was launched throughout the country by new legislation of VET (Laki ammatillisesta koulutuksesta […]

MOOC pretesting: the importance, the process, and the experience
25.2.2021Authors: Shokoofeh Motamedi,¹ Rashidat George¹, Vesna Belogaska,² and Eila Burns¹| Abstract Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), as the modern version of educational broadcasting in the digital era, have seen overwhelming public approval in recent years. To acquire user satisfaction, during the creation of a new design of MOOC, it is important to consider the usability […]

Success factors and barriers in international education change in higher education: case Global VET course
19.9.2020Authors: Meril Ümarik¹ Meidi Sirk¹, Eila Burns² and Piia Kolho² | Abstract This paper focuses on exploring the transformative educational changes at a university exploiting the implementation of an international course of Global VET as a case example. The aim is to understand what the success factors and barriers in international educational change process are […]

Smartphone as a Learning Tool – An Activity Theory Approach for Learning Marketing Concepts
7.6.2020Authors: Outi Niininen and J. Graham Spickett-Jones | For many people, the smartphone has become ubiquitous- the smartphone has evolved rapidly into an essential instrument for modern life. It has become a commonplace tool that has helped to extend personal horizons beyond immediate physical constrains; it supports a seamlessly blended, hyper-mediated and interconnected sense of […]

Teaching equality in vocational education through a game practice
28.11.2019Experientially and Emotionally Involving Teachers and Students Authors: Jari Karttunen & Anna-Liisa Parkkinen | Introduction In 2019, Finland brought questions of equality and inclusivity to the fore of international conversation. “Equality forms a core value for Finland and its people, and the best symbol of Finnish equality is a personal pronoun from the Finnish language: […]