Do online collaborative activities foster autonomy on second language reading and writing?
15.5.2015Dr. María Luisa Carrió-Pastor Senior lecturer Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain lcarrio@upv.es Urn-address: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:jamk-issn-2343-0281-9 Abstract In this paper, my main objective is to analyse if the use of the online collaborative activities improves learners’ autonomy on second language reading and writing. My purpose is twofold, to study if students improve reading and writing skills in […]

Tourism and foreign language teaching: Podcasts for listening comprehension as key to success
15.5.2015Klaus Pfatschbacher Lecturer for French, PhD University of Applied Sciences IMC-FH Krems, Austria klaus.pfatschbacher@fh-krems.ac.at Urn-address: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:jamk-issn-2343-0281-10 Absract Our workshop addresses the following questions: How can a lecturer apply podcasts for listening comprehension in class? How can students benefit from this approach? In how far does podcast listening comprehension relate to student-centered and competence-oriented learning (based […]

Enhancing task-based language teaching (TBLT) through technology: some theoretical and practical perspectives
15.5.2015Dr. Jeroen Lievens LUCA School of Arts, Belgium Faculty of Industrial Engineering Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium Center for Language and Education, KU Leuven, Belgium Jeroen.Lievens@kuleuven.be Urn-address: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:jamk-issn-2343-0281-11 Abstract Information and communication technologies play an ever-increasing part in how 21st century students come to understand, experience and shape their relationship to the world. The practice of “task-based […]

The ESP/EFL teacher’s role in distance learning
15.5.2015Genovaite Snuviškiene Lecturer of English Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania ges@vgtu.lt Abstract The article attempts to highlight the importance of the ESP/EFL teacher’s role in the considered case of distance learning. The strategy of teaching English to the undergraduate engineering students that are less advanced in the English language requires teacher’s multiple competences. The considered […]

Some organization forms of out-of-class activities while learning foreign languages in the technical higher education institution
15.5.2015Galina Chernenko Senior Lecturer the Syktyvkar Forest Institute, Russia Ksenia Chukileva Senior Lecturer the Syktyvkar Forest Institute, Russia chukileva_k@mail.ru Urn-address: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:jamk-issn-2343-0281-13 Abstract The article is devoted to the increasing role of out-of-class work while learning foreign languages in a technically oriented higher education establishment. In the article the definition of the independent work, its forms (individual, […]

10 Characteristics of Highly Effective EF/SL Teachers
15.5.2015Christine Coombe Dr. Coombe is faculty member at Dubai Men’s College in the United Arab Emirates. She chaired the TESOL convention in Tampa, Florida in 2006 and served as president of the TESOL International Association from 2011 to 2012. ccoombe@hct.ac.ae Urn-address: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:jamk-issn-2343-0281-14 The question of what makes someone a good teacher is relevant for all […]

Computer Aided Learning / Teaching
15.5.2015Gerhard FH Schmittinger Lecturer, MA, THED. University Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Germany sss@edugames.eu Urn-address: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:jamk-issn-2343-0281-15 Abstract The computer can be an invaluable teaching aid which not only relieves the teacher of cumbersome routine tasks such as marking, but allows students to practice their skills with an ever patient „electronic teacher“. Limited lecture periods mean limited contact time with […]

Ready – Set – PITCH!
12.5.2015Henri Annala Senior Lecturer and International Coordinator Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland henri.annala@tamk.fi Marianna Leikomaa Senior Lecturer Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland marianna.leikomaa@tamk.fi Urn-address: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:jamk-issn-2343-0281-16 Abstract This paper describes an experiment carried out by two English teachers at Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), Finland. The preparation and implementation of the experiment are […]

Language Teaching Tomorrow
6.5.2015The next issue of Language Teaching Tomorrow will be published when the fourth International Week for Language Teachers is organised. The third issue of Language Teaching Tomorrow was published connection with the 3rd International Week for Language Teachers organised in May 2019 in Tampere and Jyväskylä, Finland, by JAMK University of Applied Sciences and Tampere […]