Human Personality
Student-Author: Chand Priyanka (India)
master’s level student at Emotional Management of International Business Complexity course 1 – Spring 2022

Emotions play significant roles in our daily lives because every day we met different people in our regular lives, and this affects our behaviour and develops new emotions in our system and can transform our personality. Emotions are particularly important to people because emotional sensitivity serves to offer information about the state of an individual’s relationship with others and with society. Personality is a constant method of thinking and seeing one’s own characteristics. There are some personality factors to assess personality, which include availability to knowledge, self-control, self-confidence, life satisfaction, and emotional stability (Barrick & Mount 1991). People with varied cultures and personalities populate the workplace. No two people have the same personality. To avoid problems and other issues, management and co-workers must learn how to deal with unique characters in the workplace. Each type of person needs a unique approach to coping with it. Sometimes many people think that because they are different from others and when they do not find a sufficient answer, they feel inferior and complex in their behaviour, and this will affect their personality and their health also. Every person has different types of emotions like fear, anger, sadness, and joy, and discussed and all these emotions play a very important role in human personality, but the question is how to overcome all these emotions in our personality and become a better person for the society. All these emotions also affect our workplace and management and leadership skills. There are some solutions to enhancing our personality with the use of some techniques like we should practice meditation and yoga to control the anger in our behaviour and arise our conscientiousness (Balliet 2010) by increasing the co-operation, the best way to adjust to the workplace or society. Lack of energy will also affect management because if we will take sufficient sleep and diet it will show in our personality so we should have to be more focused on our health. We should have the patience to prove our leadership skills, also we should follow time management. Continuously interact with the team member to share and improve the knowledge of teamwork. Also, look forward to helping each other. We should have a positive attitude to achieve the goal and always be ready to handle all types of situations with positiveness. If we are mentally healthy this direct effect our professional life because the right decision always depends on the mental condition and focus of an individual the person will feel confident and take decisions easily and they will encourage their team also and overall, the efficiency will improve. All these aspects will enhance human personality behaviour in management and social circle.
Balliet, D. (2010). Conscientiousness and forgiveness: A metanalysis [Journal Article]. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 259-263. Accessed on 14th May 2022. Retrieved from
Barrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1991). The big five personality dimensions and job performance: a meta-analysis. Pers. Psychol. 44, 1–26. Accessed on 14th May 2022. Retrieved from