“To Put it Simply” – Teaching through and about Simplicity
5.5.2017Martina Windisch-Koenig University of Applied Sciences, FH Joanneum Graz, Austria martina.windischkoenig@fh-joanneum.at Abstract John Maeda’s book “The Laws of Simplicity” suggests itself for an English course in Information Design as its author, a graphic designer and computer scientist, proposes ten laws for simplifying complex systems in business, life and product design. Not only is the subject […]

Transitioning into a blended learning and flipped classroom model: the case of business French at Artevelde University College
5.5.2017Jan Den Haese and Aurélie Welcomme Artevelde University College, Belgium jan.denhaese@arteveldehs.be, aurelie.welcomme@arteveldehs.be Abstract In this paper, we will exemplify how a teachers’ team transformed the course “Business French”, a compulsory course for the first year students of the Bachelor in Business Management at Artevelde University College, from a “classical” language classroom course and setting into a […]

Autonomous Learning Through m-Learning: the Case of Duolingo
5.5.2017Zita Braziuniene and Ruta Kalytiene Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, Lithuania z.braziuniene@vtdko.lt, r.kalytiene@vtdko.lt Abstract The article presents Duolingo which offers personalized free language education, making learning of a new language as a fun game. Over the past decade the use of mobile devices, such as tablets or smartphones has become an integral part of […]

Blended Learning+: Combining Project-based Language Teaching with the Team Protocol Method
5.5.2017Andrew McDouall and Mario Seidel Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Germany mca@hs-furtwangen.de, sema@hs-furtwangen.de Abstract Learning Management Systems are often reduced to deliver text, and traditional vocabulary and grammar drills, not meeting the criteria for blended learning environments. We therefore implemented an action research project designed to break with this simplistic use by combining Project-based Language Teaching […]

Self-study Tasks for Mixed CEFR-levels
5.5.2017Hubertus Weyer, M.A. Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Germany h.weyer@ostfalia.de Abstract In my lessons of Technical or Business English I regularly encounter groups of mixed abilities, ranging from B1 to C1, and one of the challenges is: how to even this out? This is where the necessity of self-study tasks comes in. Since BA programs […]

Developing ESP language skills in Business and Economics through business model simulations
5.5.2017Katriona Fraser and Rachel Lindner International Business Studies, University of Paderborn, Germany katriona.fraser@upb.de, rachel.lindner@upb.de Abstract In this paper, we outline the rationale, design and practicalities involved in setting up a business model generation course for students of International Business Studies (IBS) at the University of Paderborn (UPB). This learning scenario aims to help students develop […]

International Collaboration through International Collaboration
5.5.2017Henri Annala and Marianna Leikomaa Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland henri.annala@tamk.fi, marianna.leikomaa@tamk.fi Abstract The on-line course English Speaking and Listening has now been organised in Eliademy learning environment three times. The aim of the course is to enable already advanced students develop their English speaking skills even further. In addition, the students learn important […]

Suddenly, a Wild Collaboration Opportunity Appears!
5.5.2017Leikomaa Marianna and Tuohimäki Petri Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland marianna.leikomaa@tamk.fi, petri.tuohimaki@tamk.fi Abstract International collaboration between students does not always have to be a long and fully detailed operation. Sometimes ad hoc solutions work well and quickly! Two English teachers from Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) in Finland and an English teacher from Budapest Business […]

A Language Teacher´s Guide to a Successful Tandem Project – International Collaboration Online
5.5.2017Bachelart Alexis, PRCE Aix-Marseille Université, France alexis.bachelart@univ-amu.fr Uotila Suvi, MA and Vuorinen Paula, MA JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland suvi.uotila@jamk.fi, paula.vuorinen@jamk.fi Abstract The ability to communicate in English is a necessity in today’s world. A lot of this communication happens between non-native speakers using English as a lingua franca. To offer our students opportunities to […]

Promoting e-learning for students at technical faculties
5.5.2017Karolína Slamová, Ph.D. and Andrea Wlochová, Ph.D. VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, the Czech Republic karolina.slamova@vsb.cz, andrea.wlochova@vsb.cz Abstract In this contribution we would like to share our experience in using e-learning materials to complement language teaching in technical English. The Department of Foreign Languages at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava offers six languages for students […]