Warriors of Tomorrow: Teaching Military Terminology through Film
10.5.2019Agata Jagiello-Tondera Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Polandagata.jagiello@wat.edu.pl Abstract Teaching foreign languages, and military vernacular in particular, to officer cadets may pose a challenging task. Facilitating the process of military language acquisition and arousing intellectual and cognitive curiosity through film play an essential role in the cadets’ language learning process. Communication skills are of the […]

Teaching Foreign Languages in a Multicultural Environment -a communicative approach-
10.5.2019Ana Mihaela Istrate & Elena Museanu Romanian-American University, Romania istrate.ana.mihaela@profesor.rau.romuseanu.elena@profesor.rau.ro Abstract The challenges of teaching foreign languages in the current higher education system worldwide is characterized by continuous changes in the social and economic development of certain areas of the world, but also by the migration process which started a couple of years ago. At […]

International Course Collaboration – Introducing New Partners
10.5.2019Marianna Leikomaa & Henri AnnalaTampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), Finland marianna.leikomaa@tuni.fi henri.annala@tuni.fi Collaborating with an international partner is often the best way to offer authentic learning experiences for students (Leikomaa & Annala, 2018), but what happens if the international partner is no longer able to continue offering joint courses? Two TAMK teachers encountered this […]

When Grammar Matters: Inductive Learning of Grammatical Meaning through Authentic Communicative Context
5.5.2017Linda Wright Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany Termesl@gmail.com Abstract The premise of this short article is that grammar rules become part of an L2 learner’s autonomously applied repertoire when experienced as decisive in comprehending and conveying meaning. An example of such inductive discovery of meaning for a basic grammar rule is followed by an […]

Shifting the Balance: promoting autonomy and self-reflection in ESP
5.5.2017Barbora Chovancová and Štepánka Bilová Masaryk University Language Centre, Brno, Czech Republic barbora.chovancova@law.muni.cz, stepanka.bilova@law.muni.cz Abstract The modern trend in language teaching emphasises the need to develop skills that enable students to become self-sufficient in their future life with a foreign language. We describe two different learning situations in which learner autonomy is promoted; the first being […]

Teaching two birds to fly with one stone: the CLIL approach to tertiary education in a multi-lingual world
5.5.2017Andreas Schmidt Marmara University, Turkey andreas.schmidt@marmara.edu.tr Abstract This article investigates the relationship between purpose in learning and its outcomes with regard to education delivered in a second language. Bilingual education poses specific challenges, because language training and academic specialisation need to be integrated. The CLIL method is proposed as a way to bridge this gap […]

A Fast Track to Professional English – Engineering and Health Care Students Collaborating in an Online Course
5.5.2017Minna Metsäportti and Kirsi Saarinen Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland minna.metsaportti@tamk.fi, kirsi.saarinen@tamk.fi Abstract A Fast Track to Professional English (3ECTS) is an online course jointly implemented by two vocational English teachers of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. It is intended for students with relatively high competence in English. The objective is to provide Engineering […]

Improving motivation and language attitudes: The post-it experience
5.5.2017Marike Dewina MEM, Desiree Mannens M.A. and Elena Vilanova M.A. The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands m.dewina@hhs.nl, d.mannens@hhs.nl, e.vilanovaescrig@hhs.nl Abstract Giving oral corrective feedback to our students’ oral production could sometimes interrupt the oral production and disrupt the student’s focus and their confidence. In our paper we would like to highlight the advantages of […]

An experiment with cooperative learning in two Business English classrooms – the students’ perspective
5.5.2017Eszter Sandor Budapest Business School, Hungary sandor.eszter@uni-bge.hu Abstract This paper presents the results of a small-scale pilot study of 33 students who participated in an experiment with cooperative learning in a Hungarian business school. The participants filled in a questionnaire and were interviewed about their cooperative classroom learning experience. The paper focuses on the students’ […]

Developing presentation skills in a foreign language with (very) short presentations
5.5.2017Martin Businger Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, School of Business, Switzerland martin.businger@hslu.ch Abstract This article suggests classroom activities that aim to develop the presentation skills of foreign language learners at B1 level or higher. Students practise their skills by preparing and delivering very short, but well-structured presentations. Learners in the audience, too, should […]